Maluco é mato: meia dúzia de insanos personagens do cinema

por Homero Nunes
Coronel Kurtz
Marlon Brando, 1979
Apocalipse Now (Francis Ford Coppola)
“The horror, the horror…”
Tyler Durden
Brad Pitt, 1999
Fight Club (David Fincher)
“The things you own end up owning you”
Tony Montana
Al Pacino, 1983
Scarface (Brian de Palma)
“I always tell the truth, even when I lie”
Travis Bickle
Robert de Niro, 1976
Taxi Driver (Martin Scorsese)
“You talkin’ to me?”
Jack Torrance
Jack Nicholson, 1980
The Shinning (Stanley Kubrick)
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
Jesus Quintana
John Turturro, 1998
The Big Lebowski (Coen brothers)
“You said it, man. Nobody fucks with the Jesus.

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